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sgt pepper9091

A member registered Jan 27, 2017

Recent community posts

is there any chance of the max bit size of a wire being 32? im trying to make a mip processor but using 2 16-bit lines instead of 32-bit is making it pretty large.

you mentioned you were thinking of a way to place the name of a component if the pins were out of top or to fix the order. i was thinking, what if you added a button in the component library next to delete where a new window would open and you can edit the apperence of the component (where default would be the current layout and the inside chip would be same, just placement of pins outside would change). in the window you could maybe move the name around relative to the chip, move pins around outside edge (with limits and therefore be able to place pin on top or change order) and maybe even move the vertex of the shape to resize, make a trapezoid for MUX, or even a V shape for a ALU. obv easier said then done but a editor window might help put pressure off you to make many different options and let them customize themselves. just an idea

Ok I'll do the same with resolutions. Thanks. I'll post any other bugs I find.

Awesome. Ya a easy to miss bug, tho the glitchiness I meant earlier is when in windowed mode. everything visual seems to be shifted up one unit so it's a little hard to make connections. might be the start menu bar messing with the dimentions it thinks it's is. Also what iststs you make like like a priority value for inputs or outputs in the right click menu to change the order?

Great game, little glichy in windowed mode. can't seem to make a input go in the top or bottom of a component (for selector lines for example)